In the shadow of the dark moon, as the world above twists and turns in transition, today the sun and Neptune meet in Pisces' deep waters. To speak in strange tongues about the nature of truth and the veil of illusion, the persistence of memory and the body that keeps score, the journey beyond conditioning and control to elysian fields of freedom.
After a shock and awe inspiring season in Aquaria as we crest a new age, our lens has been significantly shifted. Entitlement is a poisoned chalice. Abuse of power is criminal contempt. The jig is up. A cacophony of alarms ringing in all the crumbling institutions that once determined the shape of our world.
Now their heavy curtains are drawn all the way back, the revolutionary front is individually distinct. Rebellion begins within as a seed of dissatisfaction. Dissenting voices are forming a chorus. Illusion has become naught more than a transparent veil of wilful deception that history will condemn.
The dream team in Pisces has been working underground, deep within your consciousness. Venus crossing the axis of past and future conjuring true calling from your hummingbird heart. Neptune stirring the dreamscape and bubbling hope and heartbreak to the shifting surface. Depth charges exploding across the face of the sun as our true nature burns through the masks from the inside out.
Perception is reality. The stars are mutable. Your brain is elastic. Nothing is set in stone. Denial is a cancer; a pox on your house and a bloodstain on your life. Delusion is the cocktail you drink to blackout. Compromise is the price of admission but you sell your soul to belong to this broken world.
Your leap of faith demands you jump before you are ready. Risk exile for freedom. Chase dreams instead of dollars and love instead of limited runs. Let your hand slip off the monkey bar as you swing towards your next rung. Use your dearest illusions and transform them into a shimmering vision of your brave new world.
Make it so.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
~ George Orwell, 1984
Art: “Enchanted Beach With Three Fluid Graces,” Salvador Dali 1938
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2021