
An interesting set of hours ahead of us all darklings as today the tear in the fabric between the past and future widens considerably. Only the foolhardy or slavishly self interested missed the evolutionary memo. The genie is now all the way out of the bottle and smiling on those already building their brave new world.
The dinosaurs with dicks will continue to trample all in their path unabated. Patriarchy never learns. Halcyon days fatally numbered as the world moves beyond its vile clutches and the clock ticks down. They cannot see the feminist meteor streaking flames across the skies and think the roaring is only their own. They have ignored the looming black moon for too long.
The wrong side of history will be a nuclear wasteland soon enough now, littered with relics of old men and their hapless handmaidens. A culture of violent self service and rampant abuse is arriving to its unavoidable consequences with an arrogant toss, as though it could outrun its karmic comeuppance. It will only live on as a cautionary tale to those whose hubris and contempt fails to calculate the cost. Tickets selling now to the peanut gallery.
Merc at the midpoint of Aquaria is poised today on the axis between past and future. His trumpet announcing the near horizon as his winged heels twitch in welcome. The north node nods as its tendrils dance upon the surface of our lives, conjuring what comes next from deep within. Keep your eyes forward and don't baulk at the threats coming from those who refuse their own revolution. Their atrophy is their death sentence.
The south node bows to its unfurling and gathers the untenable past in its arms, way past its burial and late for its own funeral. A pianola wails in the distance at men in smart suits as the jingling coins in their bulging pockets give the game away. The earth rumbles beneath them menacingly. She will have her way now.
Eyes on your next horizon, darkling. Move only with what you can carry. The rest of it was never worth saving.
Th’ abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.
~ Brutus in Julius Caesar
Art: Mercury sculpture by Salvador Dali
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2021



The Sum of All Fears Ritual