This Week in Astrology

A curious week in the cosmos darklings and one which infers a kaleidoscopic impact on our worlds deep in revolution. These next few days beg us to choose our own adventure as we navigate conflicting energies and opposing forces, perfect paradox as backdrop to the full moon on the rise.The difficult past weeks have shown us in stark unflinching terms what is still not changed, no matter the spin tangled around it claiming a virtuous opposite. As our leaders scramble to save themselves and the systems that handed them the keys, we the people are being pushed to a new ground zero. No one is coming to save us except ourselves.Mars all fired up in Aries and preparing for his shock and awe retrograde is the simmering undercurrent of these burning times. Setting hair triggers on our boundaries and detonators on our same old shit, prising open our locked jaws to finally bellow dissent when either limit is hit.Meanwhile, the full moon in Pisces is a lucid dreamweaver. Snuggled up to her ruler Neptunia, inner space is where the gold is to be found for those willing to journey beyond the known or dip their toes into a vision for the future. Of course Neptunia's woozy graces can also tickle check out impulses as the lesser gods of anaesthesia, dissociation and bypass beckon from their cheating corners. This is not the year to muddy your senses or trade insight for getting fucked up. You will reap what you sow.Most interesting of all is Mercury's input from his home state of Virgo. Opposite Neptune and sextile Venus, this week he also dances by trine with the Capricorn congress of Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn as this unholy triad continues the great unravelling that is the signature scent of this year. Merc is gently pushing us to rewire our thinking. To expand our understanding of late stage humanity and our consciousness of our place in its rebirthing. We each have a part to play.You are here. Now. Boobs deep with the rest of us. Choose your state, state your aims and aim your choices. Else it will all feel like a riddle, wrapped in disquieting confusion under a glaring moon.Choose. Art: William Gabriel de Glehn, 1897Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


The Dreamy Peak


Boundary Issues