Urania the Revolutionary

Attention changelings and edgewalkers, startling visionaries and the divinely different: your time is now more than ever. The last few days snapped crackled and popped to a significant ripple in the matrix as Urania shunted retrograde, a fitting accompaniment to the rolling revolution that is 2020's signature scent.Lightning is the constant consort of Urania but this annual retrograde directs the bolts within. Pinging the past to reframe future possibility and illuminating the significant life alterations that are well underway. During this long and utterly unique rx, all of that outward transformation - of world and self alike - twists within. Looking once more to find its place and a new home in you.Urania governs the movement of fluid in the body, including the key centre of both our physical and psychic being: the cerebrospinal fluid. Our energetic core has been stirred and shaken by Urania's stationing last week, though Mars Pluto grabbed more headlines. Nourish thy nerves to soothe the brittle edge of change and salve all that is easily rattled, no matter the shock value. Deferring self care is actually self harm.This no stone unturned revolution is ultimately an inside job and we are boobs deep now and writhing in it. Unprecedented blindsiding is designed to crumble the old and expired, as the perfect dark partner to vaulting progress. Repeatedly trading an old status quo for something altogether more universal and not entirely arrived. But oh how it shimmers and catches the light.In combination with the impending dark moon to new moon flip in the lair of the lioness, this week's cosmic choreography is yet another dynamic shift washing over us. Progress is being made as the curtain yanks further and further back. Look past disaster and fear screeching frozen to reveal the seeds sprouting.This year continues to reward your individual brilliance, distinct and peculiar, and your patient commitment to embodied evolution. Peer through the lens of kaleidoscopic vision, darklings. Then make it so.You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere. ~ Ursula K. Le Guin Image from Vogue ItaliaWords c. Kerrie Basha 2020


The Lion's Dark Moon


And, Rest