The Changing Times

Consider the months until the solstice as the changing times. Our landscapes will shift vastly between now and then, de rigeur for a revolutionary rebirthing world and its heaving humanity. Everything isn't going back to any old toxic normal. And we were born - specifically - for these strange days. So mask ye whinging and gird thy loins.Just as that illuminating full moon in Aquaria nodded to The Future, today Venus takes tea with the north node in Gemini. Peering into the leaves patterned at the bottom of the cup and adjusting her sails to suit. It can be welcome relief from a disquieting present to seek out portents and clues without limits. They will be shimmering at you from cunning corners today.Old Uncle Merc also takes a starring role as he strides into Leo boldly, with more than a flair for the dramatic. Expect an overdue boost in confidence and the door to self expression swinging open a little easier. Vulnerability now becomes an unlikely navigational aid. Merc in the lair of the lioness delivers the requisite courage to speak from the heart, bringing passion and power to our home truths.Not shy of an opinion, stuck for an idea and always up for chewing the fat, Merc shakes his mane and throws his weight around in Leo. Pride and leadership vie for authority and can all too easily obscure comms. Be wary of an easy propensity to roar and try to cap know-it-all-itis as temporary balm to uncertainty. Practice the noble control that can elude the injured mercurial pussy cat when any troll steps on his tail.A boon for creatives and manna for the moonstruck, Mercury's leap into Leo can guide us to marry head to heart and open wide its lion's gate. Paired with Venus' divinatory lures today, this change in the weather could deliver fresh hope on the breeze.Curate its charms, darklings.You can change your world by changing your words. ~ Joel Osteen Collage art by Mariano PeccinettiWords c. Kerrie Basha 2020


Sabbat: Imbolc and Lammas


Void Mooning