
Eclipse season is a curious cocoon from which to emerge, as today's Cancer new moon grants us exit. Still we feel how curled up we are, braced against a revolutionising world as our dull aching to unfurl waits in the wings.
Despite the trilling of new beginnings and often palpable lift beyond the heavy balsamic phase, every new moon is a tender rebirth into the vulnerability of our next and newest iteration. Becoming is a fluid slipstream that keeps meeting our yearning and begging our renunciation, making space and overflowing it.
Today's new moon is exactly opposite Saturn, which must delight his precision and serves his purpose. We feel the constriction of our cocoon more than we feel the urge to fly. There is a safety in its stronghold that offers sure boundaries behind which we can continue this year's excavation. Your apparent limits are too an invitation to innovate. Your intuition has its hands on the map.
Our last new moon also in Cancer was an eclipse. Her new beginning in tandem with the solstice, our sun and moon marking the mid year tipping point with conception. By now those seeds may be turning deep within you. Their bloom is seasons away yet but you remain responsible for their growing conditions. Saturn still has his hand on the tiller.
This new moon at the anaretic degree of Cancer is the clarion call of our cosmic mama from the other end of her mansion. It resets her dance. Both oracle and sage, it tucks us further into ourselves so we may once and for all realise the deepest bud of belonging. If we are not safe and happy at home in ourselves, we can't ever find that panacea out in the big wide eyed world.
Come home to yourself, darklings. Start and finish there. You have been waiting long enough. Gently, tenderly, sweetly drape yourself in your technicolour layers and marvel how they catch the light. Home is truly where your heart lives, hammering inside of you. Make yourself welcome this new moon.
It was when I stopped searching
for home within others
and lifted the foundations
of home within myself
I found there were no roots more intimate
than those between a mind and body
that have decided to be whole
~ rupi kaur
Pic @foundfables
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


