Saturn's move into Aquaria just after the March equinox was a preview of a signature new structural energy that will define 2021. We've had our taster. But this is 2020, the year the world changed forever and Saturn's lifequaking work here is not nearly done. Yesterday he backed the truck into Capricorn once more, through the smoke and mirrors that have sought to obscure our world's starkest realities.
We have been shown in shocking ways the uneven patri-pillars our world was once built on by the good ol' boys club, fatally quaked when Saturn and Pluto collided on January 12th. Their impact heralded a redistribution of world power, one cycle dying as another began and us all living the overlap as revolution.
This final portion of our taskmaster's rx revisits the seismic shift in social, political and personal structures as a work in progress. All three form the struts of the world we inhabit. Keen observation and diligent consolidation are the name of the game. We cannot dismantle corruption and abuse of power if we will not see it and allow its horror to galvanise right action. Injustice must be amplified for the scales to tip back. On the world stage and also at your dining table, where it is hardest to call out.
Saturn's last dance in Cap will conclude his home ground advantage, the effects of which we have certainly been feeling since December 2017. The final countdown and workbench review, from now until December, is designed to complete his good work - and ours - in excavating rotten foundations and shoring up your structural integrity.
Where you feel restriction or limitation is your construction zone. Do not slip back into convenient bypass or shirking your work. With the unmistakable scent of karmic rebalancing on the wind, take responsibility to do right. Even if it means speaking truth to power and risking your house of cards. Revolution is not a spectator sport.
Between now and Saturn's return to Aquaria at the next solstice, the ground is going to quake on repeat. The curtain will draw further back. The whole truth will out. Rome will yet fall and many houses will be huffed and puffed down. Shore up yours and leave a key out, for those who welcome the sanctity of your four walls.
Art by Philipp Igumnov
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020