The solstice beckons, as we all too briefly pause in tandem with the earth and sky, and observe. Since humans looked up we have done this. As witches we have built ceremony and ritual around standing stones, precisely positioned monoliths that caught the first rays. Reflected in lore and land alike and felt deeply in our bones.
This is the solstice, the still point
of the sun, its cusp and midnight,
the year’s threshold
and unlocking, where the past
lets go of and becomes the future;
the place of caught breath, the door
of a vanished house left ajar...
~ Margaret Atwood
And what a gateway it is this time around. The solstice is exact in the deepest dark of the moon, as prelude to a powerful north node eclipse. Portents of the future will appear to those who are able to stand still in the portal as the moon steps in front of the sun. The changes that will ripple through your life next year are forming now. Everything is a key or a clue.
Litha and Yule rituals are posted in the coven darklings, link below. The solstice is exact just hours before the solar eclipse:
Winter Solstice | Yule
Sydney on Sunday 21st June at 7.44am
Summer Solstice | Litha
Los Angeles on Saturday 20th June at 2.44pm
New York on Saturday 20th June at 5.44pm
London on Saturday 20th June at 10.44pm
Until then, you will find me staring long this dark night into my fire. Bliss.