
This week's wired full stop is here, as Mars bumps hard into Neptune in Pisces and then pretends it was an accident. No doubt he will toss out apologies like skipping stones and pretend he didn't have the blue planet in his sights all along. Really, he thinks all planets matter but especially the ones that glow red.
Neptune will barely register Mars' pass agg snarking or mistake his histrionic cries of misunderstanding for attention. Frying bigger fish in his home state since 2011, Neptune was tasked with sinking us deeply into the illusions our world is built upon as set up for the dissolution of the structures they protect and serve. Job done, with extra shock and horror.
In fact much of the dance of the planets has long set us up for this moment in humanity's story. The perfect storm that is 2020 is the culmination of multiple tipping points: culturally, socially, politically and economically. Perhaps the greatest collective illusion was that the revolution would not bump into us personally. That too has been detonated by this year.
Today's conjunction between Mars and Neptune will see trolls and fuckwits out in force, lured from under their bridges by the heady combination of smoke and mirrors and sharp edges. The education of those committed to ignorance is always exhausting and on days like today feels futile. Give yourself a day off.
Instead spend your sunny Sunday bathing beneath the shimmering rays of Neptunia, inspiration dancing along its psychedelic beams. Hunt only your own tangents and like Alice down the rabbit hole, use your illusions to craft and create worlds beyond this limping lady.
Part of any revolution worth its blood, sweat and tears is not just the tearing down of the old and broken. Its twin task is also to envision what comes next and build shiny new bridges towards that promised land. That magic lies tucked inside us, in our world of pure imagination. That's a better puppy to let off the chain today.
He who looks through an open window sees fewer things than he who looks through a closed window.
~ Charles Baudelaire
Art by @calamityfair
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020

