
To the child who always knew
the world contained magic and wonder
beauty and goodness, even when the pain was
enough to swallow her whole.
To the small young one I used to be,
I owe so much to her heart that
never gave up hope.
She didn’t let the adult me
completely cover my heart in concrete,
she kept the ancient song
that whispers in my bones,
When this human world was too painful to be in,
she knew that this natural landscape;
inside and out,
still contained strength,
courage, medicine and tenderness.
And now I come back to her
more and more with each day,
full circle;
with gratitude beyond measure.
Poem by Brigit Anna McNeill
via The Cosmic Dancer
Poetry Sunday dedicated to all the little ones that still live inside of us, aching to be seen and heard. Shadow work gathers them together, pulls them to your soft lap and lets them finally speak.
Listening is learning.
Photo of my favourite witchling dancing with the sunset.

