
 Let this sink in, the potent message of last night's public address by black American scholar and educator Rachel Cargle which you can listen to now via her IGTV."Radical empathy moves past having the ability to understand or share the experiences of others. It is radical empathy that calls you to hold yourself accountable for how you play into the pain of others. This is a critical aspect of the equation that you cannot ignore.We all exist with different levels of access, privilege, platform, ability. I encourage you to glean every possible personal way you are able to take action and then hold your communities accountable for doing the same.It is not enough to feel sad. It is not enough to feel shocked. It is not enough to wonder how this could have happened again. Indeed, it is offensive to say I had no idea."Knowledge, empathy and action is the framework of Rachel Cargle's The Great Unlearn, an educational platform you can subscribe to do this collective shadow work. I have put my money where my mouth is.With this is mind and to better serve my community of darklings, I have adjusted tomorrow's Eclipse Yourself event. Beyond the life changing astrology, we will also be looking at the structural and cultural change demanded by these revolutionary times. Woken from the sleeping spell as lightning crackles around the world, the eclipses are in hold my beer mode. Artwork: 'See the Truth, Speak Your Truth' of Rachel Cargle by @sarahsteiber for her @face.it.project celebrating female artists, activists and thought leaders.You can sign up to The Great Unlearn athttps://www.patreon.com/thegreatunlearn



