If you have been finding it hard to adjust back into regular life or a wildly unprecedented new normal, never fear. Eclipse season is here to ensure that there is no going back. Our mid year gamechanger is fairly crammed to bursting with revision and revolution, all the better to build a braver and more beautiful world.
It will ask a lot of us, as it always does. It will not reward a stale status quo nor dance around limitation or expectation. It gives zero flying fucks about your attachments, distractions or compromise. Eclipsia is a wild mistress who takes no prisoners and tells no lies.
This mad season her playing field is the trickster's territory as Gemini reveals to us all precisely why the mirror has two faces. The trickster is cunning and shrewd, a master of the eternal dance between shadow and light. Not all sleight of hand is manipulative and not every trick is designed to deceive. Some deliver pure magic, others shift perspective and shunt assumption. You are never as naive again.
The trickster's spell, like any glamour, relies on what you want to see. The deception you feel is your own willingness to be duped, rendering fingerpointing and flare ups a misdirected waste of time. The hot sting is your realisation of just how you were fooled, the kind of crucial intel that disarms the riddle.
Our first eclipse arrives with the next full moon, so there is yet time to devour the inside running and align yourself to the magic rather than the mayhem. I will be waxing lyrical about precisely how to ride this forty foot screamer next Monday at 10am AEST on Zoom. Eclipse Yourself is an hour long deep dive into the astrology of eclipses and retrogrades, with a witch's cauldron worth of tips and tricks to thrive. Offered by donation or included for my coven witches in your membership, reserve your place now via the link.
Art by Del Kathryn Barton "speaks to the clash of the all-seeing-part-of-self-that-wants-to-grow, but can only grow in relationship to what is also unseen-unlived-unfelt-denied... buried..."
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020