BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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This void before the moon moves into Scorpio is a hazy liminal space and ever a portal to the peak. These deliciously nebulous spaces between have long enchanted me with their covert magic and so I will be utilising them before each full and new moon as passage to the shadow.
Our shadow is not merely our dark side. Not a receptacle for the worst of you nor a terrifying beast to be tamed. It is more often a hiding place that houses the disallowed and disowned. Our many shadow selves are long lost allies, aching for our tending and befriending.
You cannot spiritually bypass your darkness. Wrapping it in a la la la la lightshow only further disavows it. Nor can you outrun your conditioning or escape the truth of the tale of your life, with all its trauma and triumph. But you can turn your curious gaze upon it, mining its hidden depths courageously and hunting for the treasure that lies tucked away and hidden deep inside.
Whether you are a brand spanking shadow dancer or an ardent long time lover of what lies beneath, I have crafted a series of journeys to explore different aspects of our shadow selves. Linked to the passage of the moon through the signs and the wheel of the year, each offers a gateway through which to explore your personal shadowlands.
Today at 2pm AEST we journey with the Scorpio full moon, peering into the astrology for its currents and utilising some divine breathwork to soothe and sink us into clear space. If you are hearing afresh the call of real shadow work but are not sure how or where to begin, today's Scorpio full mooner will deliver in spades. It also includes an (optional) post event Q&A where you can ask all your questions about the greatest work of our life.
A recording is on offer to ticket holders who cannot make it later today.
Catch you soon, darklings.
Art by
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020