
Pluto as first cab off the retrograde rank for his annual half year sojourn to the underworld is shadow o'clock. No matter what your idea of that means.
Despite naysayers and bypassers and the love and light show, I remain devoted to the dark and to our shadows. Our soul's job here is not only to scarper higher, as much as to learn by digging down deeper into ourselves. Beyond the terroir and into the strata that comprises our foundations via everything we hide away. Somewhere deep inside where we think it cannot bother us, nor offend or hurt, terrify or repulse anyone else. And down even further beyond to the place where our shadows work and play about in our lives.
These forces of nature are not your devils inside, though sometimes they resemble it. They were not created by anyone else. They do not work for or against, not you and not fingerpointing them. The glorious sum of their many parts comprise your shadow. They are you. You are them. The dark playground is our secret life and the work is understanding and learning how to love them, without condition.
Our shadow is many headed and multi bodied, a thrown together creation made from the parts you have shamed or blamed or disowned but cannot kill. No matter how hard you try or how much you learn. It singularly holds the keys to your destiny, all your many fortunes and most crucial of all, your power.
These are the only creatura Uncle Pluto is interested in dancing with and he'll push you right over to get to them. His retrograde happens once a year for half a year every year immune to human wailing or flailing. We are remaking worlds right now, up here and especially below deck.
The shadow is where all our light lives. Where our vast reserves of power crackle coiled and aching to arc up. We must go a-hunting, darklings. Back down through our story-so-far to befriend these abandoned angels we've dressed as devils and renounced. This is a reclamation and a rebirth and done properly it will see you remade, whole and holy. Pluto guarantees it.
My Shadow Dancer program or individual sessions guide you through the gate. DM for more info if the bell is tolling for you.
Art from Pan's Labyrinth


