
Feeling the snap, crackle and pop, darklings? Welcome the curtain raiser to tomorrow's full moon peaking as Mars glowers at Urania. Their square dance is disruptive and reckless, unlikely to play by the rule book that was tossed out the window anyway when the ides of March really began to bite.
Mars in Aquaria is keen to sink his teeth, fire up and get stuck in to his freshly humanitarian battles. Urania in Toro has been remaking our world through his shock and awe approach since last year. Their face off is yet another loud wake up call to arms that sets a fresh fire in our bellies.
Despite the unholy noise this crisis is generating, action is hamstrung by restriction. We're still feeling Saturn and the hangover of his Capricorn dancing. We have been forced inside, to play with our power currents and redirect their best use. Don't electrocute yourself in the process as shadows rise.
This aspect whisper shouts in our ear to break the rules, disrupt the status quo and make our presence felt. It courts sudden change and dances recklessly with disaster. In close quarters that can make for angry ants without a mound to build. Simmering hostilities may well boil over so pull down the astrofuckery goggles now and set phasers to stun.
If you can keep out of harm's way, roll with the interwebs behaving like Merc's gone retrograde early and give your rebel a cool new cause, this firepower can be tapped. It is a conduit to inventive solution mothered by necessity and rampant rule breaking creativity. It can be channelled into anything physical and productive. Its flare could transmute breakdown to breakthrough if you can roll with its punches and hold higher ground. Devolve at your peril, darklings.
With the full moon to follow, tides are rising across the board. Anticipate rampant whippersnappery and tap into the charm, tact and diplomacy the Libran moon is renowned for. Yes even as lightning crackles from your fingertips. We are all birthing our future selves this year. Do 'em proud.
Join me tomorrow for an online full mooner to muse on the astro, cultivate calm and tap into magic. Link in the post below and the Events tab, my beautiful lunatics.


