
This dancing beauty is milkweed. Her leaves are toxic but their poison offers food and protection to the grubs that consume them, fat little 'pillars who go on to become beautiful Monarch butterflies.
Last January after the bushfires and the Saturn Pluto lifequake and for the new moon in visionary Aquaria, I wrote about imaginal cells. When a butterfly enters a cocoon to rebirth itself winged, it wholly dissolves. Its metamorphosis from a liquid mess to a thing of beauty lies in the lap of its imaginal cells.
Every single imaginal cell holds its blueprint and future potential. Each works in isolation to effect the change. At the crucial juncture they begin to operate on a new frequency which allows them to communicate and cluster. Finally the imaginal individuals join in staggering combination and a newborn butterfly emerges from her cocoon.
The cocoon space is isolating by its very nature. It can necessarily feel dark and constricting. It changes the shape and form within it, taking time to mulch what is no longer required. It uses this fertile soup to nourish what is aching to be birthed, all that is growing within.
Which makes where we now find ourselves unavoidably a journey of both shadow and light. Every one of us is being initiated in a cocoon of our own making. The reason I cheer / guide / practice shadow work is because it connects you to your personal power and guidance systems as it plants you firmly on your path. True, the road can be rocky and riddled with resistance but only when you avoid the dark path that also lives within you. Within us all. And as Joseph Campbell wryly noted, the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
The cocoon space is the new normal. Shadow is on the workbench begging your attention, if you can tear it away from the fearmongering that stops creative adaption in its tracks. Shadow work unearths your imaginal cells and clears the path to your brave new world that you have dreamed a little dream of for so long.
If not now, when?
In the coven, the months to come will be devoted to this dance of shadow and light through ritual and spellcraft, journalwork and meditations.
Coven witches also receive my Support Salon as a membership benefit in addition to:
🗝  Rituals for all the dark, new and full moons + lunar astrology and insight
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🗝 Self enquiry guidelines for shadow work
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Video by @farmersfootprint
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


