The dominoes are falling in a steady stream now, no longer permitting the denial and reframing that was the early hallmark of this pandemic. Those skidding in late to the distancing game are only now telling everyone how to do what they could not. Control freaks worldwide are declining to submit to the loss of their grandest illusion. Refusal to accept the economic impact that accompanies such a giant pause button is a fresh hell.Many of us are flailing in the gaps, awash in a deep sea of fear and uncertainty, unsupported by the system we tasked with our care. But it was never built to save us. It was only concocted to serve itself, a behemoth of consumption that cared little for what it belched or broke. Governments shirk the duty of care their power is built on as they look to fantastical future recovery. As though we will all go back to their normal. Holding the economy as priority over the people who keep its cogs turning just breeds the kind of market insecurity and panic buying that is their kryptonite. The true criminals are waving keys to an old kingdom also crumbling into the same sea.So many are at daily risk, their noble sacrifice stacking our new front lines. Suddenly the grossly underpaid and undervalued caring professions are keeping us together. Nurses. Teachers. Mamas. Check-out chicks of the world and their grace under pressure. Feminine currency holding the greatest value as the patriarchy and its big bucks go down whimpering.This uncertainty begets a shadowy self preservation mode, which doesn't look the same as survival or permit its old excuses. We have each been exiled from our former lives with no idea of how they will rebirth. Yet. Isolation is difficult for everyone because it goes against human nature that thrives in community and longs for connection. And so it dies and blossoms simultaneously, all over the world.In fact we all are. Outliers making social isolation a norm rather than a sentence. Learning how to alchemise loneliness into the balm of solitude and boredom into the panacea of self guided creativity. Finding our own way by turning in and going deep.Tending.Listening.Longing.Lazing.Musing.So to build a new life.Art @nunziopaciWords c. Kerrie Basha 2020Readings and shadow sessions to support your rebirthing on offer online throughout this revolution. Payment plans available and discounts for those on our front lines. DM to enquire or book in.If you love what you read here, please consider supporting my work through Patreon because none of us can live on love alone. You can drop a coin in my Patreon bucket, join the Support Salon for just $5/month or the coven for $10/month.www.patreon.com/bohomofo