
As we collectively walk this revolutionary road in isolation, life has morphed into the mythological. Regular programming is surreal as we dance with the mystery of life but not as we know it.
This virus has already crumpled the systems so many are shackled by. Everything is stopping to reset. It is effectively schooling us all in our personal notions of control, revealing the grandest illusion that has always guided life. Until now, which is why so many are telling everyone else what to do no matter how late they skidded into the game.
Flat earthers and denialists are emerging as the cancer they have always been, a pox on innovation and evolution. Big brother governments and their multinational mates are finally feeling the shaking beneath their once solid footing at the top of the power tree. They have long been ignoring the stench of extinction on the breeze but suddenly they can't get it out of their clothes.
Not all the side effects of this virus are malevolent. Not all the casualties will be mourned. Kindness is just as rampant. Connection and support are increasing exponentially. With industry turned off, mama nature is getting a much needed breather and regenerating like the fecund powerhouse she is. Birds are louder than traffic. Time is changing pace. And we each are being called inside.
The space we are confined to, the one that can feel too small or lacking or dark, is our own. And it is only restricted by our constructs and our focus, limitless without human intervention. No matter how free or fraught you thought life was, now you understand the power of choice. Value is overtaking the cost / benefit ratio. And shadow is everywhere playing tricks with the light.
Life is morphing, slowly and not without sacrifice, into a shape that will fit better and work more wonderfully for all of earth's major stakeholders. The planet. Its people. Its wild kingdoms and our great personal undiscovered.
The door to this brave new world has always been open. We have well outgrown our glass houses. We all secretly long to fully unfurl. Now is the best opportunity you will ever get to boldly pivot and radically shift.
Art: In The Greenhouse by Susanne Ussing, 1980
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020
Crossroads readings a specialty, darklings 😘 DM to enquire about readings, shadow work and your brave new world.


