
The sun into Aries and equinox is our begin again. The start point of the zodiac - and thus too the finish line of the preceding cycle - confers this place with a sense of investiture. Here once more we are initiated. 2020 style we are all being impacted. No one escapes this revolution, though perhaps we now understand why it should not be televised.
Initiation remains a series of trials and a baptism by fire. We do not come to it whole but nor can we refuse the quest. Something terrible has happened to bring us here. Even if we are exhausted, unrealised or found wanting, we must dig deeper and rise to the challenges placed in our path.
Initiation is indeed an invitation but it is not handed to us dazzling on a velvet pillow. There will be no applause upon your eventual surrender to it, no bright lights nor company to show you the way. It is a seed planted in our belly while we are still deep underground, buried beneath the weight of what we are yet to uncover.
The tests of initiation are what lead us further into our power and our instinct for the good work of our life. They guide us, over and again, to the seat of our soul. Couched in mystery and hidden in plain sight, the trials of our life and the lessons held within are how we become adept, over and again. No matter our age, our state or our recognised prior learning, initiation is the great leveller. An equal opportunity learning curve that stretches to the heavens.
Aries season is always a call to our inner warrior and our leadership. We will need both to endure the trials of this year's initiation and to rebirth both a new world and our place within it. The very best thing you can do is sit exactly where you are, feeling precisely all that you feel and know only that yours, mine, our initiation has just begun.
As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm. Jump. It is not as wide as you think.
~ Joseph Campbell
Coven darklings, your ritual raven is winging its way to you for Mabon and Ostara. All welcome to join, link in bio.
Art: Vasilisa the Beautiful by Lily Seika Jones.


