
Though Chiron has been in Aries since Feb last year, with the world burning then flooding then completely freaking out there has been precious little time to dive into our deepest existential identity wounds. Survival mode makes hasty decisions and rash vows. But there ain't nothing like isolation - and a gentle shunt from the stars - to push the world's individuals to grander considerations.
Why are you here? What have you learned? What is the purpose of your life? Do you need so much toilet paper? These are (mostly) the important questions, oft skipped in pursuit of some grander goal. The one that will inevitably bring you back to these exact questions. Consciousness demands answers to find its peace.
Until next week Chiron is sandwiched between the south node in Capricornia and the north node in Cancer. Familiar gristle points as this is the current eclipse axis, sandwiching our core wounding between our past and the future. Certainly unwritten and never guaranteed our future, just like our sweet selves, is what we make it.
Our identity wound is formed in early childhood and its weeping core is militantly protected by our ego. We craft our personality around this fortification so that we can avoid at all costs touching our pain. Except that life didn't get the memo and most all our intimate interactions with others keep leading us back to it by the nose.
This is shadow work. There is no avoiding it, skipping it or ignoring it though everyone keeps trying. The artful avoidance and trickery we conjure just makes it the bleeding obvious. By hook or by a crooked turn in our lives, we are called to turn and face the pain. To heal what feels rejected or ignored, abandoned or broken and in so doing uncover the deepest purpose of our lives. Big ticket stuff, darklings and well worth the price of admission.
The next few days this dynamic will again be laid bare for your consideration. Your past as future foundation. Your present attention as elixir. Trade judgement for understanding and hopelessness for compassion. Listen to what life is trying patiently to show you about yourself.
And if you're really ready to Do The Work and don't know how or where to start, this shadowdancer is ready, willing and able to lead you to the floor with a steady hand and a knowing smile.
Art via Saatchi Art
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020
Shadow sessions or my bespoke Shadowdancer course are my raison d'etre. DM to find out more or book in.


