The glitching is almost delicious as Mercury and Neptune, space and time, solar flares and the Schumann resonance ripple and warp. As though the multiverse has set its sights on a spluttering earth and all kinds of mighty forces have come out to play. Together making for a continuing unprecedented adventure into the roaring twenties.
None of the maps read true when the poles are tipping. Strange currents are dragging us into a surreal landscape where nothing is as it seems. Strange and unusual is the new norm. Intuition as compass and hands dancing across the wheel as lightning flashes in the mirrors, changing the frame and dragging perspective with it.
The liminal space between the lines is shimmering, all the better to read and understand. The terroir is rippling and shifting, all the better to tip the scales dangling from your rear view mirror back the right way. The passage eerily quiet if you let it be, all the better to cultivate calm through the chaos. Remember the old songs and the ancient tales. Look to their compass as the road stretches and unfurls in new directions.
It is better to tune to the new frequency than twist in white noise. Surrender begets magic. Resistance has uses beyond speed humping a bumpy ride. Frustration scribbled on sign posts. Tired resignation to the status woe left in the last town. Impatience captured in tumbleweeds that whirl by in the hot wind.
The tangents and curve balls hold unlimited possibility as reward for the courageous. Look for the side road, the redirection, the chance. When you can't do as planned, you have been cordially invited to trip elsewhere. Let your eye be caught by the rippling periphery. Chase its rainbows.
Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
there's still time to change the path you're on
~ Led Zeppelin
Art by @indg0
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020