
If you're looking for a change in the weather, it arrives like a batshit sonic boom any moment now darklings. Energetically speaking of course. As an Australian, us climate change canaries have given up on meteorology. Instead I keep my fox nose lifted to the wind and skies and stars.
Two significant movements in the cosmic choreography over the next day proffer a whole new terroir and a strange union of opposites. Merc turns retrograde in Pisces as Mars charges into Capricornia. The former a nebulous dive and the latter a rocket sent from the planet Ambition.
Even if you subscribe to Merc retrograde magic beyond the pop astrology hysteria, this outing is next levelling his hallmarks. Give up now any idea of management or predictability until April. This rx will have you exploring your personal mythology in a whole new way and through a post apocalyptic lens / all the feels. It isn't about the details or any illusion of control. You will see - one way or another - a new narrative arc in the tall tale of your life. And its emergence will inexplicably spring from reminders of the past. All the better to weave a transformed future.
Meanwhile on the red planet, Mars is rubbing his hands together and flicking the switch to maximum impact. In Captastica he is ambitious, driven and focused with a keen eye for strategy and no fear of hard work. Sleeves will be rolled up. Insurountable obstacles will be confronted. Whether rising to your soul's call or saving the world (same thing) this is a green light to get busy.
Whilst it would seem that these two transits are at odds, I am living proof of their co-existence. One does not cancel out the other. Rather they can dovetail beautifully as foil to each other. And in revolutionary times when none of the old markers apply and no one is coming to save us, they offer some damn handy influence.
Use the next month to test yourself and pass with flying colours. Mainline a diet of divination but marry intuition to real life action. Forget what you think you know or what they might say. Use your fox nose and if you do look back, it is only to see how far you have come. Keep going, darklings.
Beautiful fox art by @bryonybfrank
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


