
Righto darklings, gird thy loins if yesterday has not already assumed the position for you. There is confusion and trickery afoot, with a dose of woozy surrealism and a batshit chaser. Welcome to the complicated choreography between Venus and Neptune in Pisces squaring Uncle Mars stinging for some action. We are boobs deep in it for the next few days.
Neptune's heady influence always lights up the dreamscape as it stirs our unconscious. Those crazy dreams are made of multitudes so dismiss them as madness at your peril. In this strange waltz with Venus and Mars, Neptune is enabler and illusionist in equal measure. This is dangerous magic best handled delicately if you want to survive its shimmer.
Mars' laser focus is blowing up the space between our delusions and our dreams. Treachery is afoot. Even if you're not being impeached, secrets and lies and breaches of trust come home to roost. Scandal is discouraging. Gossip is unscrupulous. Abuse runs for the costume department once more. Under the carpet is teeming with movement as truth continues to fight her way out of the well.
Maintain a safe distance if you can but do not look away. Reject the kool aid on offer and the potions that keep you sleeping pain free. You cannot change or heal or even help what you refuse to acknowledge. For the next few days we all run this garish gauntlet between admission and denial. It niggles our suspicions and applies a poker to our fears. The only business to mind is your own.
Stick behind the drawbridge and release your demons into the moat. No first moves, sudden invasions or reckless overreaction. Let the morphing muggles navigate Struggle Street as you bed down in your fortress of solitude. Translate this teeth gritting transit beyond madness and craft intel through furious scrawling, deep musing and high art. There is message in the mayhem for those who speak their own language fluently.
If I am mad, it is mercy! May the gods pity the man who in his callousness can remain sane to the hideous end.
~ H.P. Lovecraft from The Temple
Art: Modern Rhapsody by Salvador Dali, 1957
Words by Kerrie Basha 2020
Readings, shadow sessions and dream translation on offer always, darklings. DM to enquire or book in.


