Mirror Mirror : Full Moon in Aries

Mirror mirror on the moonAre you still singing the same old tune?Our first full moon post eclipsia - that merry transformative rollercoaster that tipped our worlds on their pretty heads from July through August - is almost here. Cue maximum lunar agitation, Aries style for dramatic effect. Amped by the not insignificant impact of Saturn, Chiron and Uranus whilst fuelled by Mars grinding around the south node.The memo from the multiverse is thus unequivocal, delivered with the kind of blunt force that leaves a lasting impact. As we peer into this Aries full moon we only see ourselves reflected back.Chiron transports us to look first to the deepest darkest, the shadow settings that hurt the most, from our earliest days. Their echo clangs throughout the lunar peak. Saturn is holding a ticking clock over our heads and reminding us there is no time like the present. His dour authority can feel like a harsh teacher but his stern edict to get thy form and function right is never worth dodging. Uranus always wants us to let the lightning strike, for its brilliant zap to flash new possibility, ways and means upon us. Repeated zapping remains a health hazard but he will continue to strike your resistance until it burns away.Your old ways no longer serve you, if they ever did. Delusions stripped away are spotlit by the full moon, who from Aries demands your leadership be put to its best use. That isn't finger pointing. It isn't blame. It isn't tantrums and the stomping of feet.It is by captaining your own ship. It is by taking the tiller and firmly pointing it to your true north. It is by having the courage and the chutzpah to stare into the mirror that your life is holding up to you. It is by rising to its challenges and putting your passion and your power fully into commission.The moon peaks at the Aries actualisation point in:La La Land on Monday at 7.52pmNu Yoik on Monday at 10.52pmOld Blighty on Tuesday at 3.52amSydney Town on Tuesday 12.52pmClaim who and what you desire to be.What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.~ Helen KellerArt by Lunar PioneerWords c. Kerrie Basha, 2018




Me vs We : The Libra Aries Conundrum