Track to the Moon
After a wild and woolly week, well may we be craving respite. Lunging for the pause button and hankering to leap off, up and away from it all. Yet our carriage lurches and thunders towards the full moon.The Libran peak can be a soothing balm to the me! me! me! of Aries season. Her hallmarks are diplomacy and balance as she urges us to tip back the right way. She can light the path to reconciliation and pave the road to resolution if you can but bask in her gentle graces.That's if there is anything resembling grace going on right now. With testy squares to Mars and then Saturn this week, our sun king has been blasting Capricornia as down below we have struggled to keep peace, set boundaries and not completely lose our shit. If you can tick just one of those boxes, you're doing okay. It is tough to excel every ratty day of the year, darklings. Nonetheless the week that was has set the stage for this weekend, built on crucifixion and redemption as she is.