Astrofuquery Bolthole
Just checking in from my astrofuquery bolthole to see how the weekend is treating you, darklings. Venting, ranting and non specific shots across the bow welcome here. Better out than in and splattered in such a way as not to cause irreparable damage in real life, non?Wondering wtf I am on about? Yesterday's astro posts covered it - here's hoping you don't wish you had read them before [insert clusterfuck here]. We are all in this flaming boat together this weekend.Perhaps it is the blessed isolation or my blood red nails talking but in the interest of balance and evolution, it is important to note that breakthrough lies tucked somewhere in every single shitfight. Ever.Only years ago I stopped always tipping myself into panic via the Things Can't Get Any Worse overthinking superhighway. Because then they invariably did. Quelle surpríse. Manifestering, as I call it, is a pointless waste of valuable mental real estate. Trying to control outcomes in impossible or overwhelming scenarios is a drain on precious energy. Trying to do that only with your mind is a ridiculous spiralling vortex that is no good for anyone. Nothing more than a futile bad habit we too easily submit addled headspace to, at our own peril. Gah. Let us be done with that malarkey.The I-Ching ideogram for crisis is married to its opposite pole: opportunity. This ancient wisdom wrapped in the riddle of daily life. Sometimes making haste to your stony island fortress of solitude affords the isolation or the peace required to let the possibilities clang you in the face. The ones that are always there, hidden in plain sight directly behind our expectations. In the bloodied face of what moments before smelled like disaster, making JUST the space for unconsidered opportunity is its own reward. The trick is not to fill it yourself.So let the door slam behind you and the sea swirl behind it. Smell the salt on the whipping breeze from your birds eye view, curled in an easy chair. Sip tea. Move slowly. Wait. Watch. Listen.Here it comes.One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude.~ Johann Wolfgang von GoetheImage via @sebastian.edwardWords c. Kerrie Basha, 2018