Truthsayers are the New Soothsayers
Monday so often presents us with the same conundrum: what I am supposed to be doing vs what I would like to be doing. They are rarely one and the same, even here at the witch's cottage.Today I ought to be writing about the highly magical Venus Jupiter conjunction and the promise it holds for expansion of what we love. Venusian ruled creature that I am, I still can't get past the unassailable caveat that embodies Jupiter, no matter who he dances or squares off with. When it comes to our cosmic behemoth, the highest god is Truth.And isn't the truth a slippery bugger. Because the whole truth is not just your truth, as you see it. Nor mine. Not just theirs either. The only way to get to the whole truth - that blessed field beyond he said/she said and then what was reported - is to examine motive, influence and use of power.Here comes the unholy tangle. The Mordor that we are then forced to traverse to get anywhere is that which is hidden in the shadows. Theirs (of course) but then yours too. It is largely at this point that people prefer to point the finger or wedge their heads elsewhere, lest they have to face the demons that have been gnawing at them for as long as they can remember.Scorpio season may have ushered us underground but it is the exposure of our shadows - individually, collectively and publicly - that are starting to unceremoniously reveal the awful truth. And for the most part, our mouths are still gaping.This grand reveal isn't going anywhere. Speaking up, telling the truth, uncovering the lies and all the reasons we may have been complicit is the precursor for our collective evolution. We can see it writ large on our world stage but how about at home? Do you stand for what you believe even if it is unpopular or disapproved? Do we practice what we preach? Whether the bully is the patriarchy or the PTA, our boss or our friends or our family, standing up is the only approach that isn't a lie.The time for fingerpointing is done, not that it was ever more than a craptastically lily livered approach. Time for us each to haul our head back into the light. Truthsayers are the new soothsayers. You heard it here first. Words and image © Kerrie Basha, 2017 | Image snapped at Sculpture in the Vineyards