There is a species of moth called Obscura. They live deep in the Sumatran jungle and their superpower is invisibility. They utilise their distinct markings to at once dazzle and blend, protecting them from predators.As humans, obscurity does not offer the same generous benefits. We have an awful tendency to employ this superpower in a dubious fashion in order to deny or avoid something. In philosophy this branch of less than stellar thinking is known as Obscurantism, enacted to deliberately disfigure, mislead or confuse. In politics we call it propaganda. In relationships we call it gaslighting. In astrology, we tend to blame Neptune.So although the wheel has turned, tipping our mad world out of eclipsia and into a change of season in every sense, for many our annual giant vatful of Get Shit Done (Virgo season) did not live up to its regular promise. Many queried whether Mercury was still playing retrograde due to the mind numbing level of frustrating two-step still evident. It is not - but Neptune's smoke and mirrors are happy for you to think that.Neptune has opposed many of the stellium in Virgo and he's not done yet. The magic of this fog is that an obscured outward focus encourages us to look inwards instead. Here lies the only thing you can control and the only place where you can effect change. Truly. It all happens within you. The haze isn't for marinating or getting lost in, a trick for young players. It provides requisite cosmic blinkers so that we are less distracted by and from our good self.We can all too easily tuck ourselves away from the truth. We can distract or deny, numb ourselves or needle others, cry victim or rage against the world. Or we can bow deeply to our own obscura and see it for the signpost it is. Just remember that whatever direction your hazy sign is pointing, the truth lies in the opposite direction. Call bullshit on yourself and head the right way.When you get there, dive deep within.This beautiful artwork by Vladimir Stankovic from his whimsical animated series Lepidoptera Obscurimoth.© Kerrie Basha, 2017