Greetings lunatics, keeping thy heads above water and out of the trough? Every single sign / moon / transit /person has a high side and a lurking shadow. Fact. If you believe this not to be the case, this post is for you.When it comes to the Pisces full moon, the shadow aspect is denial. Served with a side of delusion, a liberal sprinkling of *drama* and garnished with the kind of anaesthetics that allow us to perpetuate our own bullshit.Denial is the antithesis of truth. And as we all well know, awful reality can be a bitter pill to swallow, especially if we choke on it over and over again. Our gag reflex encourages us to spit anything unpalatable back up and that sometimes includes the ugly truth. Perhaps we are not ready to imbibe it or find it impossible to digest. More often than not we know it will engender a change in us that we fear or require us to learn something hard and new. We stick with the devil we know as we tinkle the ice in our glasses and draw deeply on our smoke and mirrors.Anything we observe changes, even in that first tiny horrifying moment of noticing. We hear over and over again that the first step to making change is awareness. Less often are we shown by a self absorbed world that the second is personal responsibility.As the full moon in Pisces, aided and abetted by high priestess / filthy liar Neptunia, shines her blazing gaze on the shadows still lingering post eclipsia *snore* we have a stellar opportunity to see the light. Committing to the evolution was all part of the plan before we were shaken, rattled and rolled by August. Still.If you see, hear or feel yourself crossing the border into Denial, hit the brakes hard. Take a good long look at the line we all too easily skip across. Make a choice your future self will cheer and remember that she knows you already made it. Over and over again.Denial is the worst kind of lie because it is the lie we tell ourselves.~ Michelle A. Homme© Kerrie Basha, 2017