Mercurial Magic

In the face of rampant homophobia, blatant misogyny and shameless racism (just another week in the sad clown circus that is Australian politics) it has been easier than usual not to dwell on the tech fuquery that is the hallmark of the first week of Mercury retrograde. Seriously, who has time to do more than a cursory cursing of their device gone mad when there are giant social demons to slay anda utopian dream to build?One thing I have wryly noted through the fray is that disappearing websites / databases / contacts / emails all seem to kick back in this time around within a day. Damn handy really. Instead of spending our Rx reinventing the wheel from the drawing board, a dash of patience and a shift of focus seems to do the trick.Mercurial magic gives us the panicky gut punch we need for the lightbulb to go on. And so, sans screaming and hair pulling, we adjust. We revise. We re-do. We reiterate. Normal programming returns et voila! Better than before.Mercury retrograding through Virgo is built on getting the details right. Zooming the lens in and delighting in the micro focus. This spectacular life edit is a boon for creatives, honing and buffing our art to its gleaming best. Well starred for wordsmiths and manna for those seeking inspiration, this transit can kick you back IN. Mainline the magic.For those of you running a non binding plebiscite on the "question" of gay marrriage (instead of an exclamation mark) here's hoping our old mate Merc kicks you in the constituency.Art by Kiyoshi Awazu (1979)Words © Kerrie Basha, 2017


Poetry Friday : Fully Sikh


Shadow anyone?