Imbolc: Rebirth

As attached as I am to the Wheel of the Year and the perpetual dance of the seasons, it is the little click that always accompanies Mama Nature's slow turning revolution that I adore. Like much of the natural world it is a subtle shift, imperceptible to those hijacked by a virtual post modern existence, visible only to those who care to look.Imbolc heralds rebirth. It is the precursor to Spring trumpeted by the arrival of early bloomers like wattle and blossoms and strong warm winds that wake us up by resetting nerves chilled by Winter's frosty embrace. Suddenly our hibernation is constricting and we begin to rise and stretch, craving sun on bare skin and our soles kissing the earth unencumbered. Our icy hard won wisdom begins to thaw and glimmer with life. It is an intrinsic awakening and a clarion call from the future, from your resurrected self.Traditionally this day calls for the doors to be flung open and the low seasons marinations to be swept from the house with a besom. As the sun set in the evening, every light in the house was switched on and feasts were prepared honouring Brigid's transition from crone to maiden once more.Whether you are connected to earth and sky or sun and stars, our cosmos is thrumming the same tune. Transformation is all about us. Surrender to its potent magic and allow your sweet self to once again be born anew.I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent but few know how many women there are in me.~ Anais NinTo those in the Northern hemisphere today marks the first of three harvest festivals heralding the arrival of leaf fall and Autumn. Lammas is a time to give thanks for the bounty of Summer and prepare for the beckoning chill and cauldron space of Winter. Your letting go starts now.Wherever you find yourself transforming, follow the lead of the natural world about you. Watch her movements closely and learn well these ancient lessons in life, death and rebirth. Mama Nature knows what she is doing.© Kerrie Basha, 2017


Uranus Retrograding


First Quarter Moon