Astro: Mars Sun Cazimi

Resurrection daze as Mars ends his cycle by hurling himself into the heart of the sun. Today's cazimi - a glorious term derived from Arabic via Latin for a planet so very close to the sun astrologically that it is 'as if' inside - means that Mars wilfully endures a necessary death before being reborn anew. In Leo, where the sun king rules and our heavy hearts are annually too rebirthed, Mars is refired and refreshed, his impetus recharged and his drive reinvigorated. Just as well as he has a significant role yet to play during eclipse season*.For us mere mortals on the cosmic merry go round, Mars limping towards certain death can explain why the wind was taken out of our sails over the past week, despite other energising forces at play. If your get up and go got up and went, rest assured it will begin to return now, with greater focus and less argy bargy fuelling your fire.This is the Martian equivalent of a new moon, right near both the blazing sun and the North Node, portent of our destiny. Starting to sense a theme as the players line up in Leo? Soon there will be no time left and you will be long out of excuses.The sky candy, your greater and lesser gods, angels and demons alike are just aching for you to do it already. Peer deeply within to your true path. Scry the way forward. Grab your courage with both hands. Above all else, keep your word to yourself as you rise anew. The sun will certainly be holding you to it."Why do we capital-N Nerds love Mars so much? Because it's beautiful, it's tough, it's buried in our mythic, childhood memories. It's covered with human triumphs but also with sad stories of failure."~ Greg Bear*My eclipse report special is available until the end of next week. Blowing kisses and thanks to those who have already subscribed, they will be winging their way to you tomorrow. Get the heads up before they roll starbabies!Glorious image by @rockkhound via @earthspirit 🙌© Kerrie Basha, 2017


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