Rest Your Weary Head
Dancing with Pluto and Mars as we have been this past week is absolutely exhausting. Mars fires us up so we say more, do more, throw more, take more, move more. Pluto is our compulsory emotional colonic, hankering as he always is for us to trawl through our shit and get rid of anything (everything) putrid. It is like Mars presses the buttons all at once on the register and Pluto is the cash drawer that shoots out fast, hitting you squarely between the eyes as you are trying to duck beneath it. Combined under the Capricorn full moon our weekend became demanding and unequivocal, pointing squarely to crumbling structures and the deep patterning that works against rather than for us.Not every lunation is life affirming but thanks to the mighty forces at play, all are deeply instructive. Lady Luna has now wafted gratefully into the fresh air of Aquaria, gifting us two days of mental acuity and just enough emotional distance with which to make sense of the plutonian truck that hit us. This is the time to bed down what you were shown and begin to formulate a strategy that will get you vaulting over the hurdles no longer shrouded in mist or wrapped in riddles.For better or worse you know far more about what you are dealing with now and hopefully too that it all lives within you. A wonderful breakthrough which means that the power to make any desired changes is firmly back in your hands, just as Uncle Pluto intended all along. We may not like his methods but his results are always astounding.It is your commitment not your pace that matters now so take the next few days to let it all settle in. You did good kiddo so collapse in a screaming heap if you need to. Nourish your tired body and swaddle your weary heart. Note well all you have learned, tucking it away in easy reach for when you have the energy to feed new growth. It will rise in you again. Renew your good self, focusing on breakthrough rather than loss. Nurturing the evolution of your sweet self is the everything now.But first, we rest.Photography by Tim Walker© Kerrie Basha, 2017