Meditation Will Save You
I have been teaching a favourite course of mine for North Sydney Council for the past fortnight on Thursdays and we are halfway through. Meditation For People Who Can't Meditate is for all of us who think we will never quiet our mind *raises hand*.As I arrived last week one of my newbies Julia had a story for me. "Your meditation saved my life last weekend", she told me grinning. Given that often the right burger at the right time can save mine, I was intrigued. Julia proceeded to tell me that last weekend when her heart condition flared up and she realised that a heart attack was on the cards again (!) she practiced the breathing techniques we learned in the first class. She calmly called an ambulance and headed downstairs to wait, bringing her attention just to her breath and its rhythmic, measured movement. The paramedics and later too the ED staff marvelled at her ability to remain calm and composed, controlling and lowering her pulse and heart rate. How, they wondered. Simply by using her breath in the regular, deep and measured way we practiced together the Thursday lunchtime prior, ultimately avoiding a terrifying prospect.After a few hours of requisite observation and testing, they let Julia go home. And when they asked her about it as she signed herself out, she told them how she had learned it from a free class she took one sunny lunchtime in North Sydney.You could come along too today or next week even. Because as it turns out MEDITATION WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE.From 12.30 today your free lifeline with thanks to Nthsyd will be unfurling at Don Bank Museum, tucked beneath the skyscrapers. You can also find me on the first Monday of the month at Singleton Public Library and under various moons and stars. Just check the Meditation tab for details.And Julia, thank you. You made my day and reminded me in a whole new way that what we do can really makes a difference.© Kerrie Basha, 2017.