Chaos Theory

Chaos theory is a mathematical construct that strives to understand the unexplainable evolution of the natural world. It has a number of distinct features that we would do well to remember through the week incoming, as we descend into the cauldron space of the dark moon and the promise held in the solstice tipping point.Chaos theory schools us to anticipate the unexpected, allowing any and all of our many tangents and plot twists - even if they show up as catastrophe or mire us in disaster. It rightly messes with our notions of control, as we bounce from order to disarray and back again. It is founded on the butterfly effect, teaching us over and again how our smallest tweaks ripple into giant leaps - in either direction. And it acknowledges that despite how it often feels, there is both comfort and wisdom to be found in this constant chaos if we surrender to its peculiar magic.The third quarter mark of the moon often points to loss: something again ripped away, a promise broken, the bright potential of the new moon unfulfilled. It asks us to look only at what must wane in us, where we may be interfering with our own evolution and nods squarely at anything holding us back. Hint: it's nothing you are pointing the bone at, my sweet. Peering within is its own reward.Any weekend spent in Neptunia makes this harder to see clearly whilst simultaneously mainlining us to shamanic levels of insight. Choose whether to clamp your rolling eyes shut or pin them wide open. The week to come* is the usual grab bag of sandpaper skycandy in pretty wrappers, because we have each been strapped into the (r)evolution rollercoaster with plenty of time ahead to get better at our stomach dropping.Whether you like it or not is immaterial.Who you choose to blame (read: hand your power to) is similarly irrelevant and dangerously distracting.This is All About You, sweetheart.You and your beautiful chaos.Surrender."The thing about chaos, is that while it disturbs us, it too, forces our hearts to roar in a way we find secretly magnificent."~ Christopher PoindexterImage: "Comfort In The Chaos" by photographer Joséphine Cardin.© Kerrie Basha, 2017.


Liar, Liar


Neptune at the Station