When Separation Is Not A Backwards Step

Nothing and no-one operates in isolation. Our connection to others entwines us, winding and folding us into lives distinct from our own. Sometimes unwittingly we are ushered through doors never intended to be opened, places built to remain unseen. All too easily we find ourselves entangled and encumbered, woven into a dynamic that is not our own but whose dissonance scrambles or derails us. Hooked into the pattern or imperatives of something outside of ourselves, the rot sets in and we all too easily lose our footing or our compass.

Separate with clear conscience from anything which seeks to drain you of your vital force, your steady focus or the good work of your own life. Discharge any stale energy long settled into you, whose weight has become a load you can no longer carry. Untangle yourself from the skeins of what once was and banish any lingering ghosts or crumbling skeletons. In the same way you allowed yourself to become enmeshed, permit yourself a great escape.Return to your quiet centre. Step gratefully into the everloving arms of the safe sanctuary within you, that hallowed place from which we are each guided, the sacred space whose every soft corner you carved out yourself. Curl back into your own core and nourish yourself, regenerating and refilling from the inside out. Rest here for as long as you need. Renew the vows you made to yourself under different moons, no less potent now. Reclaim your eagle vision.Sometimes a step backward is a step in the right direction~ Susan Gale© Kerrie Basha, 2017Image by the inimitable Tim Walker


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