When Mercury Retrograde Is Your Home State

With Mercury retrograding three or four times every year for a few weeks, almost 20% of the population are said to be born with this astro-signature. Our cosmic messenger confers some very real magic on these natives, imbuing their minds with distinct creative vision and an acutely left field operating system.It is their unique perspective and way of seeing the world that underpins this creative guarantee. Merc Rx-ers tend to be tangential thinkers and take information in differently, the slant flavoured by the sign and element Mercury is in at the moment they fall from the stars to earth.Always armed with a quirky sense of humour and the ability to tease mirth from mayhem - a glorious gift at any rate - don't be fooled into thinking that these freaky genies are doing life lite. Rather they are the deepest of thinkers, their mental processes intricately weaved into their emotional body. Authenticity is their only currency and an expression of their cavernous whole truth is always well chewed and often best expressed artistically. We speak many languages beyond words and most were probably discovered by those tethered to Mercury's step ball change.With minds that work deeper rather than faster and their unique lens, some mask their differences with a shyness that can be acute in childhood adding to their sense of being misunderstood, an alien in their world. Cultivating alternative expression and encouraging exploration of this less trodden path is the antidote to their sometimes crippling insecurity. Yet this sense of otherness has led to some of the greatest creations, inventions and far reaching change the world has seen.If this is a feature of your chart, these next three weeks are your natural state. A cosmic green light rather than red and a boon for your creative life. This is the time for you to launch and move more freely among chaotic muggles, who'll never get it the way you do. You embody the magic of Mercury retrograde in a world crying out for new ways of seeing and thinking and doing. Use your magic.


Astro Update: Saturn Chiron


Heart Strings