The Wisdom of Tree

© Kerrie Basha, 2014

Nature continues to conquer the built environment through her lack of argument, steady growth (onwards! upwards!) and unswerving commitment to her true self. Once planted this tree will not move, accepting her station with resolve. Her hidden roots extend as deeply as the bulk of her trunk and are the greatest source of nourishment for her, they are never forgotten or overlooked. Left to her own devices, disregarding external direction and helpful suggestions, she shoots for no less than the sky. She weathers all storms and turns her leaves to the sun. She gives as much to her surroundings as she takes and what she absorbs, she transmutes to give life to all the little creatures. She whispers wisdom on every breeze, caring little for where it lands.Much have we to learn from the beautiful trees that surround us so I’ve signed up for six more weeks of classes with this serene goddess, Miss Moreton Bay Fig.


Ritual for an Eclipse


God Save the Dream.