BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Seasonal Tsunami

The new moon eclipse half a day away now and oh how I can't wait to float down the backside of this seasonal tsunami. Our main players have taken their position, each vying for dominance as they come at us from completely different scapes.

Uncle Mars is at his firebrand best, emboldened by his home state and making don't fuq with me eyes at Uranus, who simply continues to stir the cosmic pot. Some are deeply feeling their passion and boldly striding towards this tipping point, happy to drink in the tangents. Yet others, overwhelmed by the heat are going off like a packet of crackers, unaware of where the sparks are landing or how many they may be indiscriminately burning. This scorched earth policy will feel terribly barren come Monday.

Our sun and moon have taken their place in enchanted Piscean waters joining Mercury (communication), Chiron (our deep wounding, especially from childhood) and the South node (our past). And all presided over by Neptune, divine shamaness in her home state.

Yes it will undoubtedly feel like a lot. Here our rationalisation and justification - the realm of the monkey mind - is submerged beneath the oceanic expanse of our feelings. Denying them, avoiding them, even anaethetising them only pushes you further down into the undertow.

The only way out is through. In tumbling conditions, surfers dive deep to avoid the foaming, dangerous whitewash and resurface to breathe in the glassy space between waves. Seems a sound approach in the face of so many opposing forces and so too am I plunging to the ocean's floor to wait and watch the maelstrom above.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2017