Pluto’s Power Glitching
Art by Paul Bond
The strange ripple in this day and the one after is more than the constant glitching of what once was matrix. It is something beyond regular programming and far below its cause and effect. And it has Pluto's spiny fingers all over it, tickling underbellies and shadows out of hiding.
The dark lord's good work in Capricornia is not nearly done, though we are at the pointy end. But it ain't over until all that once ruled our old world has been revealed, transformed and rebirthed. Power structures are up for review and the currents that charge and drain us are too. For those still in the love and lite business of avoiding shadows - whether personal or political, cultural or social - your number's up.
It all comes to a head as Merc and Pluto meet for the third time to round off our week. They met first as Merc galloped past Pluto on his way to Aquaria and his surreal retrograde in the last days of 2021. Next under that rx influence as Merc backed into Pluto at the end of Jan. This third time is the charm, when the spell cast shows itself.
Though Aquarian skies make for weird and wild tangents and forward motion has picked up the pace, much is playing out now that has its roots in the end of last year. Even deeper than that its tendrils grasp the back of our minds, and what lies beneath our thinking. The reveal may be intense, discombobulating or unsettling but better outed than hidden.
Too easily do our steel trap minds blindfold our thinking, limit our learning or refuse to see what truly lives behind the pretty platitudes and comfort zones. They too are borne of an old world giving way now to something still in formation.
As Merc and Pluto bring their heads together, profound insight is on offer to those willing to rip off the blindfolds. There are far greater uses for intellect than manipulation, avoidance or blame, far better utilisation of power than simply control. Staring into the soul requires open eyes and a mind willing to delve beyond its pre-existing conditions. Revelations beyond the material world beckon, never witheld from the curious or the courageous.
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2022
Shadow work a specialty, dear to head and heart. DM to enquire, darklings.