BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Neptune & Venus Swooning

Art: The Choice by Frances MacDonald McNair, 1909

The blue king of dreams has gotten under Lady Love's shimmering skin. Whimsical and distracted, delirious and desiring of... what exactly? In the litter of hearts and flowers with the dark moon shadow falling our way, it is hard to be definite. And that is just how Neptune likes it, all the better to let his glamour cultivate what plays behind the thinning veils.

Neptune has Venus swooning as all our heads disappear into the clouds. Compassion and delusion breach the stratosphere hand in hand. The fairies whisper their tales into willing ears piqued. The rosy haze a perfect pretty smokescreen, the current of enchantment a powerful spell all of its own. So does the spiritual meet the material as the ineffable dances cheek to cheek with fleshy reality. The air hangs thick with mutability and things could go every which way or deliciously astray. Not a thing is just as it seems.

Venus at the divinely far out end of the zodiac has her crown of stars softly pulsing. Having left Aquaria to its future sleuthing, her glowing train lights the path to change. This aspect plays sweetness and light to Pluto's anaretic dark arts. Its gauzy veil masks the weight of Saturn's impending meeting with the sun before the moon hides her face. Witches murmur of the crevass opening and speculate on what it might swallow whole. Sages wonder in low tones at the commotion. Mystics muse upon the consequences of unfettered free will.

The dark moon finally arrives at the end of the week like a blessing. It offers another stillpoint from which to reorient your dizzying self. A quiet word or two in your ear and a last chance saloon before Pisces season has its way with you. This calm before the perfect storm of March's changing ides, draped over us like a glittering shawl and beaded with the stars in our eyes.

Until then, and all day, give your dreams the reigns and your willing surrender. Let love tickle your heart's underbelly and make wine from your grief. Imagine what could be if hope and faith powered your startling visions.

Enchantment is the oldest form of medicine
~ Carl Jung

If you are short on enchantment, may I suggest getting your silky mits on Morsel? My first collection of tales arrives with a golden sachet of witch-grown mugwort to furnish your dreams and visions.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2023