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Merc’s Retrograde Alchemy

Collage by @artbydavidarms

Sure it is only day one of the Mercing and already tech is behaving as if from another dimension, your old flame / nemesis / itch has resurfaced and so many ideas are downloading your head might explode like a star. Revolutionary times call for evolutionary astrology. This is no time to whinge about inconvenient blindsiding or bemoan all gadgetry that does not bow to your command.

We have far bigger fish to scry. Shut thy pop astro trap or you will miss the school.

Mercury is the archetypal trickster, a much maligned trope that attracts only slippery comparisons which undercut the power of the trick itself. When you get fooled by a trickster, it isn't their fault. It is a bloody triumph of something far beyond sense and reason that has outwitted yours. Much as it may bite or grind, it also offers a valuable lesson and a rueful win.

The raison d'etre of a trickster is to bend or break the rules in order to cultivate magic or alchemy. They operate from a cheeky place beyond convention and mess with the mundane. They play in the natural order of things - and thus with our expectations - by warping time, muddling affairs and muddying the waters in order to get us to see things differently. Et voila, all of a sudden you are launched off the end of a learning curve.

Merc's retrograde alchemy is ultimate trickery. The first rx week is befuddling by design. Chaos begets confusion which in turn engenders creativity, tangent and solution. And that darklings, is both the trick and the point. Uncle Merc's merry backwards dance is revision and revelation ignored at your peril.

Merc rx is thus a long player. You don't get the trick if you take the Chicken Little approach and run around with your hands in the air screaming on day two, or twenty. Don't panic, baulk or jump. Keep your cards close to your hammering chest and your eyes open for the magic dancing in front of them.

All human existence is a trick of light
~ Don Delillo

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020