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Forward Motion

Photography is “Almost Free” by Patrizia Burra, Italian winner of the Motion Photography Awards

This week begins in the hazy daze of Neptunia, its surreal half light obscuring and conjuring by design. Its been a wild weird wired weekend on planet rebirth. Emerging from the fray like a blessed slingshot, Mars finally concludes his months long hamstrung retrograde in Cancer. Though this will not instantly dry up all the tears nor quell the shouting, it does offer significant hope for fresh resolution and resolve on the way.

Mars makes his way forwards now over rocky muddy terrain. Already twice travelled since last September when he entered Cancer, charged through Leo, screeched to a halt in December and began backtracking. Third time's the charm if you can recollect what you learned then as you make your way beyond the bind. Don't be tempted to rush or fuss, lash or fire, lest you fail Mars' revision test altogether.

As the planets align above us this week in rare formation all are in direct motion, travelling forwards from our perspective here on earth. The next six days are the only ones this year without something retrograde, indicating we are in a year long process of revision and recalibration, the kind that will repair and renew our ailing worlds. Shedding what no longer works, growing beyond old world limits and constraints. Each of us has a soul role to play, the sum of whose parts is already shimmering in your sightlines. But you will need to wrest your attention from distraction and fearmongering - memes and screams - instead tuning in anew to your timeline's clues and keys.

The dark of the moon before eclipse season kicks off is for making uncommon sense of the lot on your plate right now, the part of the world you can tend and shift. Trust the way life is flowing and scry the flashing currents beneath. Channel vision, fish up dreams, dissolve what cannot be transformed. In fathomless realms of evolution, depth matters much more than pace.

You can fool a lot of yourself but you can't fool the soul
~ Mary Oliver

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2025