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Cosmic Layer Cake

Collage art by @ayhamjabr

The icing on this week's cosmic layer cake is our impending full moon on the rise, and it's not even Wednesday yet. Her blazing gaze, magnified by proximity and purpose, peaks at the begin-again point in the house of the divine feminine healer. Initiation and medicine for a new life finding its feet.

This lune doesn't care for the finish line as much as the ground beneath your feet. She wonders what you will make of the rumbling overhead and if you will watch for the lightning that briefly shows off the far horizon. She sees your fox nose lifted to the breeze and she beams.

The virgin is beholden to none other. She shifts your keen focus back to precious lifecrafting. Let all else do what it will. What is meant for you will arrive sans manoeuvring or judgement, a waste of your vital force and time. Virgo energy is intrinsically healing and brilliantly discerning, bestowing a grounded grace on our next iteration. She proffers the laser focus and staggering efficiency its natives are renowned for and will help you co-opt their pragmatism and practicality.

The sun newly in Pisces nods to Neptune and Mercury bobbing alongside. The blue planet in his element inspires. Beelines our intuition provided we don't get lost in the haze or kicked in the nostalgias. Uncle Merc out of his depth means we cannot count on logic and reasoning as more than old gods, with a hefty retrograde on their horizon. But all in rare combination with this bright lady, gifts us our feet on the ground while still feeling the dreamy instinctive pulse of our future.

This fab femme full moon harks back to September 9th last year, when the sun and the new moon and Uncle Merc lined up in Virgo and our moral compass spun to its new post eclipse setting. The seeds you planted then have not all survived but the hardiest among them are sprouting now. Looking to you for nourishment and tender care, the good work of your life. Tonight the goddess is in the details.

Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2019