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The Aquarian New Moon Prism

Art uncredited via Pinterest

The Aquarius new moon has arrived in glorious technicolour, ushering in our lunar new year. This maverick energy is the perfect firestarter as the shapeshifting we have each been experiencing, navigating, living begins to make uncommon sense. This is the hallmark of Aquaria, her unique calling card an invitation for you to leap boldly into your authentic self. No one else occupies your place in the multiverse. No other holds in their hummingbird heart your combination of talents and skills and it is your willingness and courage to shine your brilliant light sans filter that will craft your life.

Chinese astrology welcomes the year of the fire monkey after two years in the woods. Your deep desire is the kindling and your hard work keeps a constant dancing flame. Be prepared for unexpected shifts in the weather this year and peer deeply into the tangents that will surely come. This is chaos magic so let the winds of change fan your flames not extinguish them, blowing the cobwebs of stagnation and procrastination away. Watch your impatience with the process, a hallmark of the monkey mindset that seeks perpetual motion. Channel this bubbling energy into productive playtime and seek out the new and different to broaden how you experience the world you inhabit.

It is time to step forward, in every aspect of your life. The lightning will strike over and over again as you truly show up and allow the crackling inside you to charge your plans and fuel your inspiration. Authenticity is your prism and the world is aching to see all the colours you radiate. Shine your light babycakes, no one else can do it just like you.

You've always had the power my dear, you had it all along. You just had to learn it for yourself.
~ Glinda, The Land of Oz

Words C. Kerrie Basha, 2016