Inspired or Electrocuted
For those with a complicated relationship to change - or ideas around its varied splendours that hold fast - the tail end of this year is coming for you. For all of us really, as the revolution ramps. There is no turning back. Nostalgia and short self serving memory aside, why would we? A sorry trail of destruction and devastation has led us to this screaming tipping point.Urania is the cosmic master when it comes to making change, utilising a combination of shock and awe inspiring wake up calls that arrive like lightning. Renowned for a sizzle and singe that gets you moving or shifts direction entirely. In our natal charts, the Uranian opposition is the mid life crisis signature: it either kicks you out or kicks you in. 42 is the answer to everything after all.Urania is unusual in every sense. Ruler of maverick freak flaggers Aquarius with an orbit in reverse to earth and a retrograde motion that ramps rather than slows its impact. Currently rx in Taurus and showing us all precisely what needs to change. Stat. Whether environmental, political, financial, social or the kind of change we cannot dissociate from in the vain hope that someone else will take the bold strides required: personal change.Don't for a moment be thinking the revolution raging around you is not also swirling within. Look at this year of your life. None of us are where we began it. Lasting change happens slowly and has a deliberate pace that lets us keep up. This year as peak tipping point has given us little space or time to catch our breath. Because Urania knows that change happens anyway when hands are forced and hearts are hammering.Today Urania stands in opposition to Merc in Scorp, clanging bells all over the place to wake us up. They will meet again twice more thanks to Merc's impending retrograde, one that will see yet more secrets unearthed and darkness revealed. All the better to see the change required.The secret to evolution is to focus on what is changing, however incrementally. To shunt confirmation bias from a stuck fucked setting to a default that hunts evidence of things shifting. You can be inspired or electrocuted by what you see and feel.Both work. Choose.Art: Chameleon by Slava FokkWords c. Kerrie Basha 2020