BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Though this weekend packs quite the one two celestial epochal punch, there is an extra layer of strange and unusual at play. A top note that blurs realities and changes their shape. Even with Merc's straight out of the gate backwards malarky, we have yet fallen under Neptune's spell.
Seriously stationing now to join the retrograde party next week, his long slow grind in a halo of space dust has been conferring strange illusions since late February. At the height of its shamanic powers in Pisces, the blue planet's process of finally switching gears is wildly stirring our deep unconscious.
The crazymazing dreams are part of this significant magic, operating as a portal through which to journey and time travel. To places far beyond our surreal realities, imaginal realms that tickle our creative underbellies and tease out our soul. The retrograde imperative conjures nostalgia, raising skeletons and memories like daisies.
Dreams make uncommon sense of our everyday by transporting it - and us - to another realm. A dreaming practice, as simple as writing them down and looking them up, is the kind of personalised therapy that speaks your language. Learning to read it is a superpower that sharpens intuition and delivers all kinds of inspiration and hints.
Revolutions require dreamers and visionaries to conceive previously impossible new horizons. To whisper into hammering hearts and tease courage from its back drawers. This year we are all being asked to play a role in mending what's broken and alchemising poison into medicine. This is Neptune's domain, his smoke and mirrors catching a different light.
As the dark moon thickens about us and a tremoring earth is pulled to the solstice, the gates to other worlds have been flung open. Anticipate the lifting of illusions or the sudden reveal of yet more jaw droppers as the air ripples with a curious current. Pack for strange adventures but sleep and dream as much as you can. Everything is a key or a clue.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is: infinite.
~ Aldous Huxley
Art: Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening by Salvador Dali, 1944.
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020