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Consider retrograde season well on from now, two down and two to go. Saturn and Pluto already leading the charge, as they are wont to do of late, with Venus switching gears tomorrow and Jupiter before the end of the old working week. Revision mode is upon us darklings and not a moment too soon.
The riddle of retrograde is that you must look backwards in order to move forwards. A planet retrograding appears to move backwards in the sky. Tracking over ground already travelled - twice - to recover familiar territory and arrive back to the rx start point more the wiser.
The purpose of this particular retrograde cluster, that will bookend a large chunk of this unprecedented 🥂 year, is more than a revision test. Tis a grand opportunity indeed to completely remake this broken world and reform us, each and all. Consider this rx season reform school and yes, you will be doing it at home.
The most well known Reformation in history saw the unassailable Catholic Church relieved of its divine strangehold on world power through the actions of one man, Martin Luther. An ordained monk and professor of theology, he took exception to the rampant abuse by the church and in particular, its sale of indulgences. In the 1500s you could buy your way to heaven if you had the cash. Luther nailed his complaint, 95 theses in total, to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg on All Hallows Eve in 1517.
Wittenberg also boasted the world's very first printing press, invented only decades before by Gutenburg. The good professor wrote in both Latin, the only language of God by then, and German. His 95 good calls were widely and quickly circulated, injustice catching fire in the hearts and minds of men all across Europe. The Reformation movement saw a challenge to papal authority upheld and a new Protestant church formed by those who rightly protested the status quo.
A later reformer Martin Luther King strode the path of calling out gross injustice and roared to life the 1960s civil rights movement. It is time once more to nail our complaints to the door of the temple and let retrograde season reform us all.
Art: Easam Darawshi
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020