There is a peculiar hangover that follows the Scorpio full moon and her unrivalled ability to raise the dead, tickle the underbelly and shake up the unsettled within us. No matter how we may have elevated our post modern emotional denial to a high art, a well positioned supermoon is more than capable of scuttling those tenuous pins.
You can bet a boob on the Scorpy lunation getting under your skin, one way or another. What its blazing gaze reveals is often tucked behind repression, denial or control. And in a year that is proffering vast vats of all three to those unable or unwilling to court personal revolution, last night's spectacular moonlight was quite the revealer.
Is this a bad thing? Hades no. Our water moons are good swimmers and they have no fear of the depths. They invite you to dive, dancing on your surface glass like sirens and calling you to your courage. In scorpion territory the name of the game is rebirth, a journey that leads you through the valley of death. You cannot court bloom without compost, nor can you leapfrog entropy in a whir of self harming bypass.
How you feel is not the mosquito buzzing around your heart. It is your bodily response to environment and circumstance. It is often the missing puzzle piece. Our first language is our feelings and only at our peril do we deny their intelligence and guidance.
No feeling is final but it will stay until it is heard, acknowledged and allowed to flow towards wisdom. No feeling is bad, even when it is incovenient or uncomfortable. Not all our messengers arrive glammed up. The body will store them someplace safe until you are ready to answer the soft persistent knock.
So treat today as you would any other hangover: gently. Let yourself rest and process any poison that may have splattered when the scorpion's tail twitched. Purge what you can. Trade the self flagellation for a tender triage and soothe any edges that still feel rough. Listen to any desire burning still in your low belly. Chances are it is the key to your next phase of life, trying to spark a fire in the dark.
If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.
~ Buddha
Art: Young Decadent by Ramon Casas
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020