BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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This is true no matter what your genitals look like. 

“As we explore the feminine, we encounter a vast storehouse of gifts that have been ignored, rejected and fallen into disgrace. Dreaming is seen as unproductive, communications from the body are medicated away, feeling has no voice in boardrooms, ritual has become empty and disconnected from nature, and of course the earth is treated as a resource for profit. We have constructed an elaborate culture in denigration of these things that, over the course of many generations, has become so commonplace in our religious and social systems that it would take a startling event of awakening for us to even recognize them as missing.”
Excerpt from “Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home” by Toko-pa Turner (
Artwork by André Hora